Boosting Immunity to Prevent COVID-19 and Its Variants

With the novel COVID-19 and other stronger variants infecting many, people are seeking to boost their immune systems. We definitely need our bodies' defenses to be as strong as possible. How can this be done?

Like the army, the immune system is an intricate network of units that act together to combat invaders, in this case, bacteria, viruses, and other "enemies." Since it is a system of many parts, not a single unit, it cannot technically be boosted. However, it can be strengthened to run efficiently in order to fight off diseases. Keep your body's soldiers fit and ready by living a healthy lifestyle.

 While there are no COVID medications or immunity-boosting supplements that can cure or prevent coronavirus, there are steps you can take to make your defenses as strong as possible. At the same time, you'll want to practice these precautions for preventing the virus.

Healthy living strategies you can do for your immune system include:

Exercising regularly 

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables

Maintaining a healthy weight 

Getting quality sleep 

Reducing stress 

Quitting smoking 

Drinking alcohol only in moderation

Taking steps to prevent infection – This includes washing your hands frequently and social distancing.

In addition to the above-listed lifestyle and behavior practices, we recommend taking some supplements in moderation such as Djamu to keep the immune system functioning at its best.

Below are the ingredients of our Djamu:

  •  Organic Turmeric: rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and other antioxidants that reduce the risk of serious health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. In addition, it's an excellent source of Manganese.

  • Organic Ginger: a nutrient powerhouse, containing a wide range of vitamins including vitamin C, and B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin – along with minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

  • Organic Tamarind: rich in B vitamins, especially thiamine and folate.

  • Raw Honey: good at relieving minor pain and inflammation of mucous membranes, like nose and mouth, and has antioxidant properties and some microbial effects; it is helpful for coughs and sore throats and can be added more to Djamu if needed.

  • Organic Lemons: contain about 53 mg vitamin C per 100 g of juice. This is more than apples, honeydew melons, raspberries or mangoes provide. It is comparable to other fruits of the citrus family such as oranges or clementines. 

If you feel sick or know someone who is, try our Djamu as immunity-boosting supplements. Best to drink it daily 1/2 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and 1/2 cup at night before bed. To see more information, check out our website:


(Source: University of Maryland Medical System)


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